Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Four seasons

Smell of violets
kind to my dreams
and visions
fairy tales about world
that raised with hope
for all life :
generous to the wrinkled ones
generous to the birds
and i was friend with butterflies,
ants and bees
running shoe-less and naked
straight into the wild river
that time
i wasn't afraid of snakes
And then the summer came
dissolute boys
started whistling on the streets
I never liked how they starred on my breasts
so i learn how to walk
with my head towards to the ground.
Happiness was a moisture on the morning grass
and then you
you happened in my heart
little seed in my palms
that grew high towards to heaven
if everyone would be like you
world would be a better place to live.
Leaves of the autumn, shimmering skin
i never missed
darkness of passing clouds.
Stories were in my hands
on paper of Edward's island
i found the house on the shore
i used to project every detail
-the bed clothes, the curtains,
the candle dinners
sweetness of love,
Sunday church
and... these little two.
But then there was no more fruit on the trees
just bitter taste of your blurry lips
ice drew the flowers on the window
your picture vanished in haze
life reshaped sharpness of my sight
well, nothing lasts forever