Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Just for one night I had you for myself,
the odour of a fresh melancholy
like a distant male strange to himself
you made love to me.

Morning has blown away allowance of being a man
in humbleness I pretended: Love wasn't just the dream.

You left your ghost on the doorsteps, vanished in the haze.
No wrongs, no wounds left, just envelope with your message :

"Find me on the other side of the ocean".

The harbour is absent of you,
I walk in serenity, eyelids down.
Your words are following footprints of long walks,
long kisses in the sand.
Your words are following me like snails,
violent to my heart.

I never learned how to feel safe in your waters.
But I learned how to fight my fears.
So I am taking my clothes off.

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