Friday 16 August 2013

You're only a shadow

Spending my days on my own
evenings in nature of naked self
Wind blows away always everything
apart of your resonance

I used to be called the The princess
In nights i like to transform into the witch
Dragon fly that flies behind the glass
of your life, and soul .
Mastering skills of what we call The meaning of universe
Out of the space there is a net
Matrix of us and God's Divine of presence
hold on to your soul, your juice, your essence
twin flame of mine, my eternal love
what did they do to you?
my karma bleeds
Do i deserve to be untouched by crystal ?
Didn't my teachers train me enough ?

Only shadows you gave me,
holy whispering and blinding lights.


  1. Superb piece of rhyme and free verse poetry, seems like a flowing ocean ahead.Nice to read here.Keep Up, Tell me if you write some new, at

  2. Thank you very much Shahid, its always amazing feeling if people like my poetry, it keeps me motivated even more for my passion. I added now the gadget for email, please feel free to follow.
